Die wunderbare Virgie Tovar hat ihren ersten Wienbesuch absolviert, beim CurVienna-Event gemeinsam mit Veronika Merklein einen Augen öffnenden Vortrag zum Thema Body Positivity gehalten, und auf Ravsihly einen Bericht über ihre Erlebnisse geschrieben. Wir freuen und jetzt schon auf ein Wiedersehen, liebe Virgie …
„Vienna is a city defined by its superlative commitment to, like, everything. From the tiny tableau that tops each creamy tart to the neoclassical flourish that characterizes nearly every facade.
There are clustered buildings in Easter egg hues and desserts delicately comprised of marzipan, layered between chocolate, layered between cherry, layered between nougat.
The coffee menu is three pages long, each beverage with its own name depending on whether there’s liqueur or ice cream or whipped cream or all three added to the espresso. Many traditional coffee shops include service provided by an uppity dude dressed like a butler who takes your order with nostrils aflare.
The auspicious fact that Venus of Willendorf was found just outside Vienna seems to preside over my visit.
My favorite thing about this trip was that I spent my time in Vienna with fat feminists by my side every single day.
Before we even get started on the great news of the fat babes, you need to know the back story — and the players.“